Poll Hereford
Our focus with the Poll Herefords is producing soft, easy doing, high yielding cattle. Temperamet and structural correctedness are very important. We prioritise these traits, combined with the best breed plan figures we can find.
Poll Dorset
A measure of our present flock status is reflected in the umber of Poll Dorset studs throughout Australia that use Valma sires and the continula high standing against all termina sires in across-flock comparisons on Lamplan. Our breeding program is very commercially oriented – as well as the obvious carcase and growth rates that the industry strives for, finer fronts for lambing ease, longer bodies for carcase weight and mobility.

White Suffolk
Our aim at Valma with the White Suffolks is to continue to breed the same type of rams with low birth weights that Spring Valley focused on. We see the White Suffolks as complementary to our Poll Dorsets, giving our clients additional options when buying rams suitable for smaller merino ewes, maiden ewes and retaining lamb ewes.